And so it begins…

Many months ago I sat at the Rodeo Goat with a good friend of mine, Justin Paulk. We ate a burger, sampled a beer, and talked about an odd variety of topics. NOTE: burgers are made supremely better by chorizo, avacado, and a fried egg.  Justin was encouraging me to start blogging some writings that I had done, and somehow we landed on an idea that I was going to start a blog entitled Burgers, Beer & the Bible. Of course, being typical guys, the idea was quickly turned fantastical and I was soon to be a millionaire blogger who traveled the country sampling the best burgers, the trendiest micro-brews, and sharing my humble thoughts on what I believe to be the most important piece of writing ever compiled.

Rodeo Goat Seating

We sat on the near end of the table on the far right of the picture.

Well, ideas come and go, but some just keep tugging at you. In the next few months, I received similar encouragement (the blog part, not so much the burgers & beers part) from a few others, including my lovely wife Ann, who receive a weekly email that I send to a group of people in our church. Those emails usually include a personal admission, a ‘news’ story, some encouragement, or just current goings-on. Most recently, Kirsten Wilson not only encouraged me, but she offered her IT skills and experience to help me get started. Now here I sit.

I am intrigued by reading/hearing stories about people and occurrences and then sharing some things that I see besides the facts. I believe there is always more to a story than the people, place, and events. I like to share my point-of-view on them, and I like to imagine how God would see those stories. And then I like to try to connect the dots between the two.

Connecting the Dots

So I have a greater passion for trying to help people connect the dots than I do for burgers. Hence the name Connection of Dots rather than the B, B, & B name that started it all. Over the past 7 years or so, plenty of people have taken the time to help me connect the dots and I believe I am now capable of doing the same for others. I spent the first 29 years of my life not seeing the connection between the worldly dots and the Godly dots, but I plan on spending the rest of my years searching for God in every situation. So far, He has yet to stay hidden, He always shows Himself when I look. And my hope is that I can help others find him as well, even in the oddest, funniest, or saddest of stories.

My goal is not just to share my Christian worldview with a bunch of other believers, but to present a new perspective and hopefully make God seem relevant and real to those that are non-believers. Let me make one thing very clear, I AM NOT A WRITER! I love to communicate with people, but I have no experience or training as an author, so don’t expect perfect grammar or the use of ostentatious wording. (See what I did there?) I do hope that you feel encouraged, entertained, educated or enlightened when you read these posts and I encourage you to comment or leave feedback.

Thanks for reading.

8 thoughts on “And so it begins…

  1. Chuck, as I sit here in my car reading this on my phone I am in awe of the work that has begun. You shared your heart, the purpose and, most of all, God’s design for you… And more importantly His plan. The format from my iPhone looks incredible. Images are perfectly placed. Most of all, the structure kept my attention until the end. God is being glorified through this. Can’t wait to see more.


  2. Can’t wait to read your blog on a regular basis! You’re off to a great start. I love you guys and miss you so much!


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